Essential Measures to Prevent Heatstroke in Your Puppy

The weather can harm your pet during the hottest part of the summer. Follow these guidelines to keep your pet safe from heatstroke.

#1: Keep an eye on the forecast

If you maintain tabs on the weather conditions, you may take your pet for a walk during the most excellent portion of the day. Mornings, before the sun and humidity have a chance to rise, are ideal for physical activity. Keep toilet visits to a minimum and preserve your energy for indoor activities for the day.

#2: Get your pet to drink more water.

When dogs have so much fun exploring the great outdoors, they may forget to drink enough water. If you want your pet to drink more water, try adding ice cubes to their dish, getting a pet drinking fountain, or just filling their bowl with new, clean water regularly.

#3: Find some shade.

Get some shade if you and your pet will spend time outside, whether reading book or taking stroll around the block. 
Your pet’s paw pads are surprisingly delicate and can quickly blister if they tread on the scorching pavement.

#4: Take special precautions with sick or injured pets.

Some pets are more likely to suffer heatstroke than others due to preexisting conditions or behavioral quirks. Extra care must be taken to prevent overheating if your furry friend fits into any of the following categories:

  • Overweight or obese
  • Very young or very old
  • Dark- or thick-furred
  • Cardiac disease
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Endocrine imbalances

#5: baware of the symptoms of imminent heatstroke.

Learn the indications of heat stress and heat exhaustion in your pet to avoid them from progressing to full-blown heatstroke, which can cause organ failure. Some of the first indications that your pet could be overheating are:

  • Heavy panting
  • Thick, ropey drool
  • Lethargy
  • Disorientation

If your pet continues to overheat without relief, it can develop vomiting, diarrhea, sudden collapse, or seizures.

If your pet shows signs of heatstroke, cool them off, then contact our team for further treatment.